Plug-and-Play Diagnostics for PROFINET Networks TH LINK Industrial Ethernet

Plug-and-Play Diagnostics for PROFINET Networks TH LINK Industrial Ethernet


Política de entrega (editar con el módulo de Información de seguridad y confianza para el cliente)

TH LINK Industrial Ethernet

  • Active network agent for PROFINET, EtherNet/IP and Modbus TCP with intelligent onboard diagnostics function
  • PROFINET supervisor in PROFINET networks
  • SNMP client in EtherNet/IP and Modbus TCP networks
  • Simultaneous diagnostics available for standard Ethernet TCP/IP
  • Permanent self-monitoring of Industrial Ethernet networks with different protocols in one device
  • Permanent availability without engineering cost and effort
  • Failure identification with intelligent assistance in fault finding
  • Extensive Industrial Ethernet diagnostics across users for PROFINET, EtherNet/IP, Modbus TCP via web browser
  • Capability for permanent and cross-protocol monitoring and documentation with TH SCOPE software