MICRONOR – Multipoint temperature measurement Raman effect

LOGO MICRONORMultipoint temperature measurement

With multipoint temperature measurement, extremely short light signals are sent to an optical controller in order to determine temperatures in this way. The temperature distribution along a glass fiber is measured. In this way, temperature differences within an object can be made visible, which in turn indicate weak points. The measuring method is based on the so-called «Raman effect».


What is the Raman Effect?

The Raman effect or Smekal Raman effect describes the inelastic scattering of light on molecules. Therefore, it is also referred to as Raman scattering. It got its name in honor of CV Raman, who was the first to prove this effect in 1928. The way scattering works means that the inelastic interaction results in an energy transfer that is specific to a particular atom or molecule. Energy transfer is the reason that the scattered light has a higher or lower frequency than the incident light beam. The proportion of the frequency-shifted radiation is somewhat lower than is the case with the elastic interaction.

Which multipoint temperature measurement system does MICRONOR offer?

The temperature measurement at MICRONOR is based on the «Raman effect». MICRONOR offers the MR610 controller as a measuring system, which can detect temperature differences with the help of various measuring fibers and sensor fibers. The maximum length of a measuring fiber is 250 m. Special measuring fibers are offered for each area of application for multipoint temperature measurement. If required, these can also be laid permanently in the measurement object. There are also heat-resistant fibers that are used at a temperature of up to 600 °C. The measurement fibers are configured by MICRONOR and can be used directly without additional modification.

Where is the multipoint temperature measurement used?

Measurement using multipoint technology is used for objects that have possible weak points. Constant temperature monitoring should make it possible to determine this without any doubt. After the measurement, the collected data is evaluated and it becomes clear where the temperature was increased during the measurement process. An example of systems that can be checked for functionality with the multipoint temperature measurement are transformers in which the measuring fiber is laid inside. The measuring fiber thus enables the detection of areas that heat up more than their surroundings (“hotspot detection“). This detection goes a long way in increasing the life of the transformers and preventing internal damage.


The multipoint temperature measurement helps you to identify and eliminate weak points in devices and systems at an early stage. The MR610 controller from MICRONOR makes it possible to safely and reliably detect even the smallest temperature changes and to locate them with pinpoint accuracy. It is best to check your systems regularly for functionality before costly repairs have to be made.


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