what you are going to see during the show
Red Lion, is waiting your visit during the Advanced Factories show, from 9 to 11 aptil in Fira de Barcelona .
Today, one of the biggest challenges facing companies in the industrial world is secure access to accurate and real-time data. That is why Red Lion is focused on empowering industrial organizations around the world to unlock the value of data for real-time visibility that drives productivity.
Our Access, Connect and Visualize product segments connect you to what matters most – your data.
In our booth you can find;
FlexEdge® Intelligent Edge Automation Platform,
RA10C industrial Compact Firewall Industrial
Gigabit NT5000 Managed Layer 2 industrial Ethernet Switches. IDEA Awards WINNER.
3-AF2024 de Ana Garma
¡Dont forget free ticket dunlock your most valuable Asset-
Contact us for more information here