Micronor- Cleaning utelsils for optical sensors.

LOGO MICRONORcleaniNg KIT for optical sensors

Garma Electrónica presents from Micronor the solution for maintenance of your optical sensors.


Optical sensors are so called because they only function visually. This means that the measurement is made using light signals. These sensors typically use a laser or LED as a light source and measure the position of objects based on the light reflected from them. It is therefore particularly important that no disruptive factors such as dirt affect the sensitive sensors or their connectors during the measurement. Special cleaning utensils for optical sensors are therefore used for the professional cleaning of the measuring devices. In order to enable our sensors to function properly, we offer you suitable cleaning utensils for optical sensors, which we would like to present in more detail below.



Set with cleaning utensils for optical sensors:

ZMR-MIC –cleaning kit


With this cleaning kit, fiber optic connectors can be optimally tested and cleaned. The cleaning can be carried out both during field work and in the laboratory. The test is carried out using the inspection microscope. The attachments included in the delivery help with the correct positioning of the individual plugs. The cleaning kit is suitable for various connectors. The microscope is USB-enabled and has a 400x magnification. The kit also contains a special cleaning cassette and 2 cleaning pens with which you can effectively clean most optical sensor connectors. The device’s software can be controlled via a tablet. The ZMR-MIC cleaning kit is one of the most commonly used cleaning utensils for optical sensors.


ZMR-TOOL – cleaning pen


The cleaning pen is ideal for dry cleaning. It is one of the common cleaning utensils for optical sensors. In this way, the panels of electrical sensors do not have to be unscrewed before cleaning. Grease and dust deposits on the connectors can lead to a high loss of measurement data. With the help of the specially developed cleaning pen, this contamination can be removed quickly and effectively. Up to 750 cleanings can be carried out with a ZMR-TOOL cleaning pen. The ferrule diameter is 2.5 mm. You can also conveniently order replacement cartridges from us if required.


ZMR-CAS – Cleaning Cassette


The ZMR-CAS cleaning cassette is ideal for thorough and gentle cleaning of fiber optic connectors in the field . This is a dry cleaning process. The cassette is reminiscent of an audio cassette both visually and mechanically. After cleaning, the dirty strip of the cassette is automatically rolled up and replaced with a fresh cleaning surface. The ferrule diameter of the ZMR-CAS cleaning cassette is 2.5 mm, so it is suitable for cleaning STPC, LC, SC and E2000 connectors. Conclusion With the help of our cleaning tools for optical sensors, thorough cleaning of the devices is no longer a problem. They allow you easy cleaning and perfect measurement results. You are also welcome to let our competent staff advise you on which cleaning utensils for optical sensors are particularly suitable for your individual needs. Contact us for this !





kit de limpieza sensores opticos  






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