In a society more and more concerned about preserving the environment, renewable energy stand as the cleanest alternative to preserve it. This kind of energy can be found in nature itself in unlimited quantities and, once consumed, it can be regenerated both naturally and artificially.
The hydraulic energy, wind energy, solar energy, geothermal energy, or the biomass energy, are considered clear energy sources in comparison with the conventional ones, because their impact on the environment is lower.
The use of renewable energy can be varied. One of the most efficient ways to power the machines for certain jobs is hydraulic systems, which provided the needed energy to make things work.
This Hydraulic systems have a number of relatively simple components, which their way to operate is easy to understand. This systems work by applying force to a certain point which transmits that same force to another point by a non-compressible fluid. Now a day, the requirement level of hydraulic fluids is high, because the right choice can be of vital importance to obtain the required performance. In addition, if we take into account the social awareness about ecology, the spread of biodegradable fluids compatible with the environment is more and more notable.
STERN Hidráulica, a company located in Zizurkil (Guipuzcoa, Spain), has developed a hydraulic group along with a control panel for a hydroelectric project, to control the opening and closing of some floodgates.
Current hydraulic systems are sophisticated and use an advanced technology, to be able to provide the maximum output with the lowest cost possible. They provide considerable advantages such as being able to exert very high forces depending on the system used. Not only this, this hydraulic systems don’t have the risk to overcharge, neither to overheat.
In case of the hydraulic group developed by Steam, the level indicator used has been the GARMA Electrónica level indicator, with a binary output and PVC flange, made in stainless steel. This level indicator is being used to obtain continuous reading of high precision, of the quantity of the products. The level control devices of Garma guarantees the level, being in a solid, a liquid, a clean material, a dirty material or with agitation, in a variation range previously established.
In Garma Electrónica we understand the importance of the level control in the industrial processes; that is why we provide high quality devices by our trusty suppliers such us FINETEK, ATMI, GARMA o FISCHER.
Stern designs and develops complete hydraulic systems, hydraulic stations, hydraulic cylinders and electrical control panels to provide key projects directly to their clients. They develop for example Standard hydraulic groups, Low noise hydraulic groups, Soundproof hydraulic groups, Hydraulic groups with special executions, Compact hydraulic groups with a Hydraulic controller included, Mini-centrals, Hydraulic groups which use different fluids or Hydraulic groups with stainless deposits.
To be able to have of a precise lecture of the flow level of this hydraulic systems available, Garma Electrónica provides its clients with a wide arrange of solutions for level and flow control to detect the level of liquids.
The union of Stern and Garma Electrónica has resulted in this case, in a hydraulic system with a binary level indicator.